英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:31:13
  • 单语例句

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1. The conviction means Cardona will lose his security clearance, and forfeit his right to serve as a military policeman.

2. Sharapova said she played in pain from an inflamed right pectoral muscle that affected her ability to serve hard and pound forehands.

3. If the federal government is willing to spend trillions to " right the economy, " then it should reasonably serve as lender of last resort for critical industries.

4. Right now, the experienced masseur continues to serve international friends at the Olympic Park during the Paralympics.

5. Respect for the right of people of all countries to independently choose development paths and models should serve as a basis and precondition for democracy.

6. You can serve them with a soy and chili dip right now, or return them to the pan with a hot bean paste sauce.

1. Its job is to manage world economy and trade order, the target is to build up an integrity, have something to do with goods, serve, trading of the investment and intelligent property right's etc. has vitality and laster long multilateral system more.

2. serve right

2. It is the right body Shortcuts camera, could serve as a quick start with the shutter button.

3. The right of minorities is the key of ethnologic law; all of the rules and principles should serve this key.

4. Where more than two people's courts seal up the same land use right or house, the departments of land and resources or real estate administration shall, after handling the registration formalities for seizure by the people's court who is the first to serve notice on assistance in execution, make seizure registration in turn on the people's court who handles seizure registration later, and inform in writing the facts that the land use right or house has been sealed up by other people's courts and the relevant conditions of seizure.

5. serve right的翻译

5. Of Civil Affairs they teach that lawful civil ordinances are good works of God, and that it is right for Christians to bear civil office, to sit as judges, to judge matters by the Imperial and other existing laws, to award just punishments, to engage in just wars, to serve as soldiers, to make legal contracts, to hold property, to make oath when required by the magistrates, to marry a wife, to be given in marriage.

6. serve right在线翻译

6. As I continued to serve I devised my own plans and waited for the right moment to execute them.


7. Very well, I'll serve the dishes right away.


8. I'll serve the dishes right away.

9. Right out of the box these shoes feel great and if they don't rip or loose shape too fast they will be nice and serve their purpose but is it too much to ask that the permier shoe for Adidas be made in their German Factory and have the same level of craftmanship that is put into the boots players like Zidane, and Beckham use.

10. Laizhen and her husband were in an auto accident in 2007. Talai's right leg suffered multiple fractures. He is yet to heal, and can only move about by moving his body with two plastic stools that serve as a makeshift walker.

11. serve right的翻译

11. He serve one right.

12. Serve one right 活该例句: he failed his exam, it served him right because he had not studied.

13. serve right

13. For Beijingers, who use 100000 tons of water per day to wash their cars, it will serve them right if one day they cannot find water to drink.

14. We have a right to worship and serve God in spirit and in truth.

15. Resist is doleful and defend so that live resource, final ability has serve as greatly, once still was dropped by Baidu K before Admin5 stationmaster net domain name, by right of a gang person indefatigable effort just has today's dimensions, hold to belief so these a few words, be worth us very amused flavour.

16. serve right的解释

16. Graphic designs could also work if you get the right one that is bound to serve its purpose.

17. Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include, though are not limited to, the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote; to hold public office; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to own property; to education; to serve in the military or be conscripted; to enter into legal contracts; and to have marital, parental and religious rights.

18. It will serve her right if she's sent to jail.


19. Serve sb right 2. It's up to you.
你 活该决定好了。

20. Serve sb right.

This may be a test: try to sell him down the river and the next time you look him in the eye he may be firing you - and serve you right.(或许可以做个测试:设法出卖他,下次碰到他的时候,他可能会炒你的鱿鱼——这是你应得的报应。)
Please wait a moment. I shall serve you right after I finish this.(请您稍等一下,我处理完这笔业务,立刻为您服务。)
To some degree, though, Bing isn't really interested in delivering this traffic to outside sources and would rather serve its customers by giving them answers right on its own site.(但从某种程度上讲,Bing并不想给外部网站带去流量,更愿意在自己的网站上给用户提供答案。)
I have the right to choose [my guests]. I only serve civilized people.(我有选择的权利,我只伺候讲文明的客人。)
I always said that if an application could engage the user in some other way - like a game - it would earn the right to serve up coupons as a by-product.(我一直认为,如果真有那种应用能够让用户体验另一种方式——就像游戏一样——他就能赚的很好,并且将优惠券作为自己的附属产品。)
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I was worried because I knew that if the rain delay is not long, you know, I have to come out and serve right away.(我有些担心,我知道如果雨下的时间不长,我将马上出来打自己的发球局。)
If there is a "right" to healthcare, you must force the providers of those goods, or others, to serve you.(如果确实存在着这样一种医疗保障的“权利”,那你必须强迫提供这类商品和服务的人或其他人来为你服务。)
Setting the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type properly isn't the only thing you need to do to serve XHTML to legacy browsers, but it is a big step in the right direction.(适当地设置MultipurposeInternetMailExtensions(MIME)媒体类型并不是向旧的浏览器提供XHTML所能采用的惟一途径,但它却是往正确方向上迈出的一大步。)
If we get it right, the G-20 can serve as a powerful mechanism for managing conflicts and disputes in a new world order.(如果我们理解正确的话,20国集团是国家新秩序中协调冲突与争端的强大有效的机制。)
I'm working on a bigger piece right now that will serve as more of a tool for researchers.(现在我所从事的是一件相当大的工程,对研究人员来讲,它不仅仅是一个工具。)
serve right是什么意思 serve right在线翻译 serve right什么意思 serve right的意思 serve right的翻译 serve right的解释 serve right的发音 serve right的同义词